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We provide assistance to internally displaced persons (IDPs) and affected populations in 15 regions: Kyiv, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Khmelnytskyi, Zhytomyr, Rivne, Ternopil, Volyn, Sumy, Chernihiv, Zaporizhia, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv and Dnipropetrovsk regions.

To receive support, please contact the Rokada Foundation office in your place of residence

Kyiv and Kyiv Region

Hotline: +38 063 299 83 24

from 9:00 to 18:00 (Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday)

Office Address: Kyiv, Chumaka Street, 5

Psychological support
Social consultations and support
Transportation services
Help with restoration of “war houses”
Assistance to victims of violence
Legal consultations
Child protection, arrangement of safe spaces for children
Charitable assistance to vulnerable categories of IDPs and war-affected population
Support for compact accommodation

Lviv and Lviv Region

Hotline: +380 67 447 0 373

Office Address: Lviv, Chornovola Avenue, 45a

Psychological support
Social consultations and support
Transportation services
Legal consultations
Assistance to victims of violence
Support for compact accommodation
Child protection, arrangement of safe spaces for children
Charitable assistance to vulnerable categories of IDPs

Ivano-Frankivsk and Ivano-Frankivsk Region

Hotline: +38 067 447 40 24

Office Address: Ivano-Frankivsk, Heroiv Chernihova Street, 5a

Psychological support
Social consultations and support
Transportation services
Legal consultations
Assistance to victims of violence
Support for compact accommodation
Child protection, arrangement of safe spaces for children
Charitable assistance to vulnerable categories of IDPs

Chernivtsi and Chernivtsi Region

Hotline: +38 067 337 65 68

Office Address: Chernivtsi, Symovycha Street, 21a

Psychological and social support, consultations and guidance
Organization and conduct of integration events
Transportation services (including for individuals with limited mobility).
Legal consultations
Assistance to victims of violence
Interaction with communities (conducting trainings, facilitations, meetings for representatives of local self-government bodies and residents)
Child protection, arrangement of safe spaces for children
Monitoring living conditions of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in communities

Khmelnytskyi and Khmelnytskyi Region

Hotline: +38 067 447 08 13

Office Address: Khmelnytskyi, Panasa Myrnoho Street, 1/2

Psychological and social support, counseling, and guidance
Individual support for vulnerable groups (case management)
Transportation services (including for individuals with limited mobility)
Legal consultations and advocacy campaigns
Assistance to victims of violence
Support for shelters, community engagement (conducting trainings, facilitations, meetings for local self-government representatives, enhancing community capacity)
Child protection, arrangement of safe spaces for children
Support for Councils on Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)
Providing items for quick house repairs and supplying materials for self-repair

Rivne and Rivne Region

Hotline: +38 067 447 38 40

Office Address: Rivne, Volodymyra Stelmakha Street, 11

Psychological support
Social consultations and support
Transportation services
Legal consultations
Assistance to victims of violence
Support for compact accommodation
Child protection, arrangement of safe spaces for children
Charitable assistance to vulnerable categories of IDPs

Ternopil and Ternopil Region

Hotline: +38 067 447 42 20

Office Address: Ternopil, Konovaltsia Street, 17

Psychological support
Management and coordination of Temporary Shelter Sites
Legal consultations
Emergency response – providing assistance to civilians affected by shelling to households and institutions
Community support – development of Councils on Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), training sessions, informational sessions
Research on the needs of internally displaced persons (housing, essential items, social assistance), access to social, educational, and medical services in the area

Zhytomyr and Zhytomyr Region

Hotline: +38 067 322 40 78

Office Address: Zhytomyr, Pobedy Square, 10

Psychological support
Social consultations and support
Transportation services
Assistance with the restoration of “war-torn” buildings
Support for compact accommodation
Child protection, arrangement of safe spaces for children

Lutsk and Volyn Region

Hotline: +38 067 447 0884

Office Address: Lutsk, Sviatohorska Street, 10

Psychological support
Social consultations and support
Transportation services
Legal consultations
Support for compact accommodation
Child protection, arrangement of safe spaces for children
Charitable assistance to vulnerable categories of IDPs

Chernihiv and Chernihiv Region

Hotline: +38 067 337 01 61

Office Address: Chernihiv, Knyazha Street, 12

Psychological and social support, counseling, and guidance
Raising awareness in the field of public health
Transportation services, including specialized vehicles
Help with restoration of “war houses”
Legal consultations
Assistance to victims of violence
Child protection, arrangement of safe spaces for children
Creating communication spaces, conducting training sessions
Support for people with disabilities, provision of rehabilitation aids and medical equipment, hygiene kits
Support for compact accommodation

Sumy and Sumy Region

Hotline: +38 067 30 98 937

from 9:00 to 18:00

Office address: Sumy city, Svobody Avenue, 50

Psychological and social support, counseling, and guidance
Child protection, creation of child-safe spaces
Transportation services
Legal consultations
Assistance to victims of violence
Support for persons with disabilities
Assistance with the restoration of buildings affected by war

Kharkiv and Region

Hotline: +38 067 120 9203

from 9:00 to 18:00

Office address: Kharkiv city, 23 Serpnia Street, building 11A

Psychological and social support, counseling, and guidance
Child protection
Transportation services, including for individuals with limited mobility
Support for established Councils on Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), monitoring living conditions of IDPs
Organization and conduct of integration events
Support for safe and collaborative management of facilities and management structures
Measures related to supporting the management of collective centers, as well as the development and adoption of stay rules and the establishment of a mechanism for filing complaints and providing feedback
Community engagement (conducting trainings, facilitations, meetings for representatives of local self-government bodies and residents), enhancing community capacity

Zaporizhzhia and Region

Hotline: +38 067 120 9203

from 9:00 to 18:00

Office address: Zaporizhzhia city, St. Yakov Novytskyi, 11a

Psychological and social support, counseling, and guidance
Child protection
Support for temporary accommodation sites
Community engagement (conducting trainings, meetings for representatives of local self-government bodies and residents; enhancing community capacity), needs assessment
Legal support

Dnipropetrovsk and Region

Hotline: +38 067 120 9203

from 9:00 to 18:00

Office address: Dnipro city, Lesya Ukrainky avenue, 11A

Psychological and social support, counseling, and guidance
Support for established Councils on Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), monitoring living conditions of IDPs
Organization and conduct of integration events
Child protection
Community engagement (conducting trainings, facilitations, meetings for representatives of local self-government bodies and residents), enhancing community capacity
Support for safe and collaborative management of facilities and management structures
Measures related to supporting the management of collective centers, as well as the development and adoption of stay rules and the establishment of a mechanism for filing complaints and providing feedback

Mykolaiv and Region

from 9:00 to 18:00

Office address: Mykolaiv city, Pavla Skoropadskyi Street, 40/2

Psychological support
Social consultations and support
Transportation services
Support of social institutions
Assistance to vulnerable households in preparing for winter (provision of solid fuel)
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