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The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is a global intergovernmental organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights, and building a better future for refugees, forcibly displaced persons, and stateless individuals.

For the past 20 years, since 2003, Charitable Foundation Rokada has been an implementing partner of UNHCR. With the support of UNHCR, Rokada provides assistance to refugees, individuals in need of additional protection, those seeking refuge in Ukraine, internally displaced persons, and populations affected by the armed aggression of the Russian Federation.

The Center for Disaster Philanthropy (CDP) – The CDP Foundation operates in the United States and worldwide. Its mission is to harness the power of philanthropy to mobilize a full range of resources that strengthen communities’ ability to withstand disasters and recover equitably from them.

Since February 2023, CDP has been supporting Charitable Foundation Rokada in establishing Advisory Boards for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). The project covers 7 regions in Ukraine. The project’s goal is to assist in addressing issues related to the implementation of state policies regarding the protection of the rights of internally displaced persons, support, and protection of business entities that have relocated to the territorial communities’ territories.

The Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (United Kingdom) is an international coalition of 15 organizations operating in more than 90 countries worldwide. The aim of this coalition’s activities is to address issues of poverty and the associated injustice on a global scale. In all Oxfam projects, the primary goal is to provide people with the opportunity to exercise their rights, personally manage their lives, receive fair compensation for their work, and more.

Since December 2022, with the support of Oxfam, Charitable Foundation Rokada has been implementing the project “Providing support and services to vulnerable populations among internally displaced persons and affected communities” in the Kyiv and Chernihiv regions.

The International Renaissance Foundation (IRF) is one of the largest Ukrainian charitable foundations, which has been working since 1990 to create an open society in Ukraine where everyone feels dignified, citizens are engaged in the state-building process, and the government is transparent and accountable. The foundation was founded by philanthropist George Soros and is part of the international network of Open Society Foundations.

Charitable Foundation Rokada has a long history of collaboration with the IRF:

  • 2010-2012: A joint project was implemented to continue the operation of the Integration Center for refugees and to organize summer activities for their children;
  • 2019: A project was carried out to support refugee women and their family members by establishing a sewing workshop at the Temporary Accommodation Centre for Refugees (TACR) in the city of Yagotin;
  • 2023-2024: Support and capacity-building for the Charitable Foundation Rokada in implementing effective mechanisms for the integration of internally displaced persons;
  • 2024 – 2025: Support and capacity-building for the Charitable Foundation Rokada in the implementation of effective mechanisms of comprehensive support and advocacy of the interests of internally displaced persons, refugees and other vulnerable categories (the project is ongoing).

Activities within the current project include strengthening the team of the Rokada Charitable Foundation for the implementation of effective mechanisms for the integration of IDPs, providing timely and qualified legal support to the beneficiaries of the Foundation, carrying out advocacy activities aimed at helping to solve problematic issues in communities. An important area of work is also support and activation of the activities of IDP Councils in Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk, Khmelnytskyi, Lviv, Rivne, Ternopil, Volyn, Sumy, Zhytomyr and Kyiv regions.

The Ukrainian Humanitarian Foundation (UHF) was founded in 2019. UHF serves as a strategic and vital tool, available to donors, for pooling their contributions into unified non-targeted funds, enabling humanitarian partners to provide timely, coordinated, and principled assistance.

In 2023-2024, Charitable Foundation Rokada is implementing two projects with the support of UHF:

  • Organizing events aimed at reducing discrimination and barriers faced by people with disabilities in the villages of Chernihiv region. This includes collaboration with communities and providing direct assistance to individuals with disabilities to strengthen their physical and mental well-being;
  • Monitoring community-level protection and protection activities in the Sumy region. The project’s goal is to provide comprehensive assistance to internally displaced persons (IDPs), affected groups, returnees, and non-displaced individuals in need of assistance. Special attention is given to activities in border communities near Russia.

The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) is a unique fund, as the majority of projects are developed and implemented by small local civil society organizations. This increases the overall impact of the projects and enhances participation in issues that are important for the prosperity and well-being of local communities. The fund annually finances approximately 650 projects.

Charitable Foundation Rokada has implemented 2 projects with the support of CFLI:

  • Republishing the book “Learn, Accept, and Extend a Hand,” as well as developing and publishing a teaching guide for teachers in general education schools to conduct tolerance lessons and train educators based on the materials from this guide and a children’s book (2010);
  • Introducing youth and women among refugees or asylum seekers to relevant professions in the job market, providing career guidance, and developing leadership skills (2021).

The Hungarian Interchurch Aid in Ukraine (HIA), a separate unit, was one of the first to start providing assistance to those affected by the war in February 2022. The assistance program covers 20 regions, from Berehovo in the west to southeastern territories like Zaporizhzhia.

The Hungarian Interchurch Aid has been working in Ukraine for over twenty years, providing support both in Ukraine and Hungary.

As part of their collaboration, Charitable Foundation Rokada has implemented 2 projects:

  • Ensuring decent living conditions by purchasing hygiene products for patients in five specialized institutions in the Lviv region (2022);
  • Providing safe transportation for people with disabilities to meet their basic needs (2023).

The Danish People’s Aid (DPA) is a national non-profit humanitarian organization that provides assistance to vulnerable people in Denmark and abroad. The Danish People’s Aid operates in three main areas: prevention and first aid, social work, and international assistance in the event of natural disasters and emergencies.

As part of their collaboration with the Charitable Foundation Rokada in 2022-2023, with the financial support of the Danish People’s Aid, repair work and the arrangement of living quarters for internally displaced persons (IDPs) were carried out at the base of the Municipal Non-Profit Enterprise “Dental Polyclinic” of Dubno City Council (Rivne region).

The AWO International began its work in Ukraine in February 2022. Together with local partner organizations in Ukraine and numerous AWO associations in Germany, AWO International provides rapid emergency assistance and long-term support to people in Ukraine and refugees in Romania.

Starting from 2023, with the support of AWO International, the Charitable Foundation Rokada is implementing a project aimed at improving the living conditions of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and other vulnerable groups located in institutional facilities in the Zhytomyr region. The project includes providing qualified psychological support to patients and staff of these institutions, as well as energy-saving measures for the buildings housing these facilities.

The National Working Group Psychosocial Centres for Refugees and Victims of Torture (BAfF) – psychosocial centers serve as a central pillar of psychosocial support for individuals who have experienced war, torture, and displacement. Psychosocial centers offer low-threshold, multi-professional services.

The “Razom – Gemeinsam” project, in which the Charitable Foundation Rokada participates, aims to improve the quality and sustainability of psychosocial and psychological support, focusing on human rights, the development of support structures and processes, including supervision methods for psychologists in the context of war and collective violence in Ukraine.